Trust is one of the most important cornerstones on which the relationship between RSA Nederland and its customers is based. When you apply to us for an insurance proposal, we trust that you will provide us with all the necessary and correct information. Also when you file a claim with us, we assume that you will inform us correctly, which enables us to handle your claim promptly and without any fuss.
Unfortunately, it is a given that a small number of the policyholders and insured persons abuse this trust by committing fraud. The Dutch Association of Insurers, the interest group of private insurers on the Dutch market, has investigated the extent of the fraud in the Netherlands. This investigation shows that 12% of Dutch people acknowledges that they commit insurance fraud. As a consequence of the fraud, insurers lose 1 billion euro yearly. As a result of the fraud the insurance premium burden will rise (you will have to pay a higher premium), which, just like all other violations of the law, is unacceptable.
How do we define ‘fraud’?
‘Fraud’ is defined by us as purposefully cheating RSA Nederland to obtain or cause to obtain a financial benefit for yourself (or a third person). It constitutes fraud when things are represented in a way that they are not:
- providing incomplete and/or incorrect information,
- being untruthful about what happened,
- falsifying invoices or adjusting amounts on invoices,
- submitting a claim that exceed actually losses suffered,
- resubmitting rejected claims while fabricating a new context, or by stating another date of the loss,
- faking a loss.
As stated hereinabove, we assume trust. Sometimes we get the impression that a claim notification is not found completely correct. This happens because we record each claim notification with due care. If we get that impression, we will always carry out an investigation.
Which steps do we take?
If it constitutes fraud, there are several measures we can take, for instance:
- reject the claim and not compensate the loss;
- reclaim an insurance payment made,
- charge extra costs incurred via a claim for liability,
- terminate the insurance,
- file a police report,
- file a report in the central fraud hotline of the Foundation Central Information Centre.
Registration of fraudsters
We have our own incident registration in which we register cases of fraud. Next to this we can report the fraud to the supervising authority for central registration, thus enabling other insurers to be warned for these fraud. All in accordance with the Dutch rules and regulations to this respect and the GDPR.
Fraud prevention because it must be done
We have to take measures against fraud. We are obliged to do so with respect to society and our well-intentioned customers. Therefore, RSA Nederland pursues an active fraud policy and takes consistent actions against fraud in any form.